Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dances with Wolves

Dances with Wolves

Kevin Costner

Year 1990

Was nominated for 12 Academy awards, won 7 Oscar awards (Wikipedia Updated 2012) 

A wonderful humanity you must see!
During the American Civil War, an officer transferred by his request to the west, and in the vicinity of an Indian tribe, here the tale begins . Strange courage and enormous ambiguity in the character of this officer who lives next to the enemy and the enemy is tribe, and he is a single person waiting his colleagues to inflict on there. His idea changed for american Indian tribes, he starts believe in their right to freedom, their land, Marry from them, Live with them, to become one of them and fights his people for them ...!

Most amazing thing in this work is that is very rare in our live to see a movie like in real. Everything about purely humanitarian drama you will find in this movie, full of realistic that controls the atmosphere of the film from the first minute until the expiration of the three-hour film and you would wish it was more and more ..!! 

While watching this movie you will feel really very great desire to stand in front of the makers of this work and tell them personally thank you for this effort thousand of thanks, and as soon as you finished watching the movie you will belief that we were in front of huge visual symphony.

Finally, to evaluate a such magnificence work like Dances With Wolves , it is an injustice that gives it less than five stars. 5/5

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