Star Trek
"Star Trek 11" is a famous American science fiction films and television series "Star Trek" sequel, by famous director JJ Abrams guidance. Although the film has inherited the mantle of "Star Trek" series, but different from the previous story, described in "Star Trek: The original series" hero James T Kirk and Spock met in the Federation Starship Enterprise and efforts to counteract the aliens to Spock from the future revenge Nile. The film created another timeline, liberate the new series from the previous story limit. Spock who was born in 2230 in Vulcan Star , because his mother Amanda Grayson is a human, he often suffer ridicule by his colleagues. His father Sarui Ke is a diplomat in Vulcan star, Spock grew up constantly struggling with serious education Vulcan logic and his human emotions. Spock met Kirk whom has the same lofty ambitions, although there are some contradictory constantly through a variety of tasks test but they gradually began to understand each other.Old Enterprise Captain is Pike, medical officer "Bones" McCoy, Chief Engineer Scott, Communications Officer black coral pull, helmsman Sulu, and 17-year-old pilot - genius Junior Chekhov are crew in ship. One day, the Older Spock from the future through time and space, told Kirk remnants of the Romulan Nino has returned, and led a large team of people for revenge, Nino destroyed Spock's hometown Vulcan Star and his next target is the Earth.
This film was described a future life in the space. The plot in this movie is connected to the time, and science, so it hardly to understand. But it can't affect the audience fond of this movie. This film is same like the other Hollywood science fictions, it has great special affect and music. It is the best Star Trek movie in its series. This year, "Star Trek 12" will be show on November, I am so exited and looking forward to watching it.
I like this movie so much, I will give it 5 stars.