The story is about on the day their parents die, Sisters Lilly and Victoria vanish in the woods.
Their Uncle Lucas and his girlfriend try to find them after that, five years later the girls are found alive in a cabin in to the wood. And Lucas with his girlfriend welcome them into their home. "But as Annabel (Lucas girlfriend) tries to reintroduce the children to a normal life, she finds that someone or something still wants to tuck them in at night". (quote from: Google).
This movie can make you feel a little scared but at the end intertwined emotional footage. After i watched the movie, i understood how much love mothers give for their kids?, they can leave everything to take care of their kids. You can see in the story, the ghost mother took care the girls until they found by Lucas, but the ghost still went to Lucas's house to play with them and isolated them of Annabel. And in the end, author did a good job when the young girl went with the ghost mother go to heaven and her sister stayed with Lucas's family. I think that will be a bad ending but that better for two sides because they all love two little girls very much.
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