The movie told a story that Andy is a young and successful banker whose life changes drastically when he is wrongly convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment at Shawshank prison for the of his wife and her lover. Fortunately Andy befriends some of the other inmates, in particular a character named Red who can deliver contraband of almost any type into Shawshank Prison, and he finds ways to live out life with relative ease as one can in the prison. Set in the 1940's, the film shows how Andy, with the help of his friend Red, turns out to be a most unconventional prisoner and escapes from the prison.
Review: The Shawshank Redemption
is a movie about the life in prison and it’s also an impressive story about prison
break. There is no doubt that it’s a very wonderful and brilliant movie. In my
opinion, the redemption in this movie includes the physical and spiritual
redemption. Being in prison for 20 years, Andy finally crawls to freedom through
500 yards of shit-smelling foulness. Hope, wisdom and perseverance are the indispensible
and important factor contributing to his successful physical redemption. As to his
spiritual redemption, Andy expands the library, encourages other inmates to
learn knowledge, and evoke their hopes. All he does, to some extent, make him feel
less guilty and help him to purify his spirit and soul. He blames himself for
his wife’s death, and asks Red to the oak tree where witnesses his love with
his wife, which indeed helps Andy to get out of the shadow. When Andy and Red hug
together joyfully, it’s the time that I think Andy’s physical and spiritual freedom
really reunite. Redemption is not easy, and freedom of body and soul is precious.
However, Andy successfully redeemed himself both physically and spiritually. It
is really a great movie.
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