Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kingsman 2015


“Manner makes man”
This is the most famous sentence in this movie. The genre of Kingsman is action. There was a boy whose name is Eggsy and he began to challenge the hardest job interview in the world. He has high IQ and Junior Gymnastics Championships. But he quit his school and even he don't have job. But some strange man called Harry approached him and scouted him to Kingsman. Kingsman is an international secret intelligence agency and Harry is veteran agent in that organization. He knew at once that Eggsy has good potential to be an agent. So he selected him to be a Kingsman. There were various kinds of dangerous stages to be Kingsman but Egssy challenged it.

At first when I saw the trailer of this movie I felt this movie could be similar to 007. But I was wrong. It used different styles of music and action scenes. For example, they use an umbrella as weapons. And this movie was the most interesting movie I saw in the beginning of 2015. I didn’t expect that this movie will be funny. But when I saw this movie, actors acted very well and also quite heavy music was perfectly matched to this movie. The challenging story of Eggsy impressed me that some people that are poor or stupid can be ignored to general people but they are important in some other place. So don’t judge people although they have less money than others or have poor family. Also this movie criticizes Great Kingdom’s hierarchy system. Eggsy is the example of people that break the system and I could release my stress in that scene. But the scenes that heads bombing like fireworks were bad. It was too violent and also little bit dumbfounded. So if director can change the movie, I recommend that make people die in another ways.

Rating ★★★★

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