This is a comedy and adventure film produced by Walt Disney. This film describes Bolt is a well-known dog, and he who has super power is the first actor in a popular television series called 《Bolt》. However, the TV show's producers have deceived Bolt's entire life, he cannot distinguish reality and fantasy movie plot. In a delivery process, Bolt accidentally abandoned to unfamiliar New York. In order to return to Hollywood, he starts to a real adventure.
On the way, he gets to know the two strange companions. One is a stray small black cat named Mittens, and another one is trapped inside the glass ball fat hamster called Rhino. During the long journey, they become good friends, and Bolt gradually realize that he doesn't have super power and just an ordinary dog. After thousands of miles they finally come to Hollywood studio to find Penny. However, the studio is firing, he rush into studio, and they are rescued by shouting. Finally, they have a happy life.
The film touched me is that in front of the fire Bolt rushed to rescue his little master. The film also let me know that dogs are our best friends, and we should love them and protect them.
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