In this newest Star Wars, the main character is a young girl called Rey. She is a new character in the Star Wars. At first, Rey encountered a robot called BB-8 witch used belong to a Residence's pilot Poe in a desert, and she got the map of Luck's location from BB-8. She also met a ratter Finn from First Order. Unfortunately they were tracked by First Order and almost been trapped. They stole an old ship - The Falcon and finally escaped. Then they were saved by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Then Han solo took them to the bar. But soon, First Order came and they got Rey. So Han Solo and Finn decided to get into First Order's inside and save her. When Kylo Ren tried to control Rey's mind, he find that there is Force in her body. Then the Force in Rey's body were awaken. Kylo Ren is actually the son of Han Solo. But then he cruelly killed his father - Han Solo , showed his dark side totally. Yet, finally Rey beat Kylo Ren by her Force. It is a good ending.
I watched the movie in a movie theater. When Han Solo and Chewbacca back into The Falcon, all the audiences cheered and applauded loudly. It reminded the very first version when Luck and Han Solo were in the ship together. I think the Force Awaken is try to honor or salute the very first one, cause there are many scenes are very similar to the first one. For instance, Han Solo leaded Rey and her friend Finn to a bar. It was just like He took Luck into that bar when he first met Luck. Then they have a plane fight witch is also like the first version. Compare to the first one, technology has been developed, so the special effects are getting better. However we can't deny that the old characters are getting old. But I still believe the Star Wars will be continued with the new characters and new stories.
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