In Andalasia which is an animated fairy tale world, there are a girl whose name is Giselle and Prince Edward. One day, they fall in love each other and plan to get married. However, Queen Narissa who is mother of Edward disagree with their marriage because she dose not wan to lost her crown. Therefore, Giselle is dropped in the magic well by Narissa, and Giselle arrives in New York. She is helped by Robert who is s lawyer, and they live together with Morgan who is a Robert's child. The months passed by unnoticed, Robert and Giselle are fall in love. However, Giselle is eaten poison apple by Narissa, and she is unconscious. When Robert kiss her, she recover consciousness, and they get married with happiness.
This movie is really pretty, because Giselle is a definitely princess. She doesn't know how to do house working and she doesn't know a common sense in the terrestrial world. However, she is getting used to it step by step, she became really good woman in the terrestrial world. Other my favorite feature of this movie is that this movie has many elements about another princess story of Disney. for example, house working with singing related Cinderella, the poison apple related the Snow White, and recover consciousness by Prince"s kiss related the Sleeping Beauty. Therefore, I could enjoy some memorable scenes about another princess stories in this movie.
Rating: ★★★★
This movie is really pretty, because Giselle is a definitely princess. She doesn't know how to do house working and she doesn't know a common sense in the terrestrial world. However, she is getting used to it step by step, she became really good woman in the terrestrial world. Other my favorite feature of this movie is that this movie has many elements about another princess story of Disney. for example, house working with singing related Cinderella, the poison apple related the Snow White, and recover consciousness by Prince"s kiss related the Sleeping Beauty. Therefore, I could enjoy some memorable scenes about another princess stories in this movie.
Rating: ★★★★
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