This movie janre is a fantasy and it's an adaptation of a has many series.
maybe most people know about this movie.
summary of this movie is parents of Harry Potter are died by Voldemort. and Harry was brought up by his aunt. their family were not amiable to Harry. and he enrolled hogwarts which is magician school. he meets his friends named Hermione , Ron, and others. and he also meets some professors
and the story is continued that he defeats Voldemort and Death eaters with his friends.
when i was 7 years old the first novel of Harry Potter was published on 1999. it was so popular in all the world. and the first movie of Harry potter was screened on 2001. it was so popular in the Korea.
i watched this movie with my family and it was satisfied to all of us. it was so interesting.
and this movie series were produced since 2years ago.
i read 3times all the novels of Harry potter and i watched all the movies of Harry potter more than 3times.
I love this movies so much. because the movie story is wonderful. I can't imagine how author of Harry Potter wrote this perfect story. I'm so impressed with her imagination.
Actually, I like fantasy movie most, and this movie shows a lot of fantasy.
and all the characters between movie and novel are matched well.
and when I watch this movie it makes me reminisce.
so, i'd like to give 5stars.
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