Thursday, April 18, 2013

I, Robot

This is a movie describe a future life. Robot is rife to help human in everywhere. There are three rules to limit robot, "never hurt human", "submit to human" and "protect human". But someday, robot start to ruin the three rules. There is a war between human and robot.
In this movie, Sonny is a robot. But "he " has an important mission and duty. Doctor gave him a special body and "brain". "He" has to save the world with police man by his special points.It's my favorite character. "He" never be irresolute when face any options. "He" also has boble emotion which robots don't have. Human can't make a choice like him, robot can't think like him. A perfect role in the movie. He has to ruin all the block in his face to save human. A great and perfect robot. It's can't appeal in the world. I like his logic and his behavior.

I think this movie is the best "robot" movie, i will give it 5 stars.

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