Friday, December 13, 2013

Inception, 2010

as I sent email, it was in my blog. because my invatation code doesn't work. so i uploaded review in my blog, instead of uploading this blog. original date is 10/19/2013 original web address

Can you control your dreams?
Of course, most of people can’t manipulate their dream.
But if you can manipulate others’ dream, you can control others’ subconscious.
In this movie, subconscious is main topic. Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) can control others’ dream. First, Cobb try to steel Mr.saito’s secret but Mr. saito, ambitious Japanese businessman, notice that Cobb manipulate Mr.saito’s dream. After failing mission, Cobb is caught by Mr.saito. Instead of kill Cobb, Mr.saito gives Cobb a chance to work for him. Mr.saito wants to manipulate Robert Michael Fischer, Jr’s dream.
Cobb's wife is Cobb's kind of achilles hill. she killed herself. but Cobb can't let her go. he has 
an obsession about memory that he lived with her. Cobb's wife always appear his dream and she bother him.
That is the main story of this movie. The most important thing is that sometimes we confuse the real world with the imaginary world. The reason that it is important thing is  When we wake up, we are often not sure if we live in real world or imaginary world, like Matrix.

if i should give score, i want to give 4.9/5.

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