Sunday, December 1, 2013

Limitless, 2011

We are living in the information era. In other words, information is money and power, nowadays.
But we do not have an infinity memory and the way in which they store information, such as USB memory because we use only 20% of whole brain.
Human uses only 1% of their brain, as we know.
This movie is about tablet and drug.
In this movie, just one tablet activate your whole brain instead use only 1% of your brain.
After taking pill, Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) can remember everything and calculate difficult problem, like computer. This drug (NZT-48) has a special ability that makes brain use 100%.

After that, Eddie Morra uses own ability to make money by stock. After while he makes huge money.
But NZT-48 has some problem. NZT-48 cause black out. for example, his ex-girl(actually ex-wife) friend looks ugry. Eddie Morra also suffer from NZT-48's side effect.
furthermore, strange guy is looking for NZT-48 and threaten him in order to get drug.
So Eddie Morra tries to make new drug that has not a side effect. 
after that, he becomes a Senator. and tries running president.

When I saw this movie, I was trying to go college. so I needs super power memory.
After saw this movie, I can not forget watching this movie.
I think this is not just fiction. In US (including South Korea), college students take medicine, such as Adderal, Retalin for their test.

Score : 4.5/5.0

I really recommend this movie!!!!!

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