Thor: The Dark World is a 2013 superhero film produced by Marvel Studios. This film is the second film of Thor series and also was included in Marvel’s superhero film series which have many well-known superheroes, such as Superman, Spider-man etc. The story is following The Avenger( 2012), Thor took his brother Loki back to his Planet Asgard and sent him to the prison .Long time ago,Thor’s grandfather Bor (father of Ordin) had suppressed a race in other planet which has a leader called Dark Elf Malekith. Because Malekith used to find a strong power and he wanted to use it destroying the universe. Bor had kept that power in a stone pillar, but he didn't know that Malekith was escaping by sacrifice his people. Back to present time, Thor’s girlfriend Dr. Jane has found a strange phenomenon in an abandoned factory in
am a big fan of Marvel’s superhero films. In this film, my most favorite
character is Loki. I think he is the most interesting character in this story. He
is so crazy about throne and also has done some tricks, but we can not define
him as a villain specifically. Loki is quite different from Thor, he has much more
ambitions than Thor, and merely shows his personal emotion about family bonds,
but it doesn't means that he didn't have this emotion. When he knows his mother
was dead, we saw that he smashes everything in his room, and than sat slumped on the
floor. But when Thor lets him out of prison, his cunning smile comes back to
his face immediately. This is why I like Loki, and the actor of him Tom
Hiddleston as well.
Wow did you watch this movie? I want to watch this movie!
ReplyDeleteI will watch this movie next weekend!