Saturday, November 30, 2013

Slumdog Millionaire





             Slumdog millanarie is quiz show movie. One poor man succeeded to solve difficult quizzes which can not be solved of famous professors. So, the host of quiz show accused him to police because how that homeless guy can solve such difficult quizzes that can’t be solve professors. So, police officers questioned him how he can solve such quizzes. The secret of way of solve such hard questions is just his hardship experiences when he was child to now.


             This movie shows India penniless people’s society. It’s society is very dirty, dangerous and cruel. First, kids are grown up near the landfill area. There is very insanitary place and bad place where children are grown. Also, children grows very dangerous place. In this movie one child was kidnapped. The person who kidnapped child committed very cruel and disgusting deed. He seared Jamal’s brother’s eye with a hot iron. This scene is not only disgusting but also pity. Why he dare to lose little child’s sight? Because, when people see little child beg, blind children are more appearing because people fill a sympathetic.


             Also, little girls are grown poor environment. In this movie, main woman character, Latica is also penniless. After she kidnapped, Jamal try to rescue her and plead to gangster to relieve her. But, gangster said little girls are very expensive. In there, homeless girls are just means of trade.

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