Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The proposal (2008)

The proposal

    Margaret (Sandra Bullock ornaments) is a well-known publishing company executives in the United States. Work well, but extremely strong man. Once she appeared at the office, the atmosphere will immediately fell to freezing point, employees are all on the surface for her to stay quiet in the heart of the voice to call her "Monster." Margaret ignored all of these, as usual purposes of an iron fist policy. But a bad news almost put her knocked unconscious at the occasion of her flourishing career. For some technical reasons, her visa unable to renewed, and she had to be sent back origin in Canada. In order to kept everything she earned, Margaret decided camouflage marriage with her assistant Andrew (Ryan Reynolds ornaments) in order to obtain residency in the United States. Andrew agreed to this absurd requirement and the premise was Margaret replied to promote him to copyreader. USCIS will test a week later of the two, and Margaret still knew nothing about Andrew. So she and Andrew returned to his hometown. She met Andrew’s family there and knew Andrew a lot. Finally she fell in love with Andrew. But she didn’t want to lie to kind members of Andrew’s family anymore.  So she decided to do back to her country. In the end of this movie, Andrew recovered her.

    The proposal, after watched the final outcome, I think this romance movie perhaps more is an expression of the love of family. Stubborn father, emotional mother, cute grandmother, caring neighborhood, there is a bit childish, little rebellious son and a tough prospective daughter in law. Many human’s emotions are generated in the unconscious, such as the hero and the heroine in this movie. This is a light comedy, but also has some point make people want to cry. People all alone in this world to live a long time, and when the world is quiet occasionally, they face their own time. They are not faced by their families understand that they have to face strong accustomed to live. Will suddenly realized that he had hidden a lot of emotional numbness, walking gingerly in reality. This romantic comedy in real life may not be able to have good results. but by watched the good ending, we can find some comfort. So,I give this movie★★★★☆.


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